2-yrs Part Time PGPM program in partnership with AAFM, USA

The PGPM part time program from IIFM in partnership with AAFM, USA (world leaders in education & global certification) is a brilliant opportunity for working executives who want to differentiate themselves

  • A PGPM program from IIFM in partnership with AAFM, USA, the First Global Graduate Certification Body in the world requiring graduate training and accredited education.
  • The only business program in India with partnering programs from a globally recognized certifying body with global accreditation articulations.
  • Students undergo professional certification programs from AAFM along with the course content from IIFM
  • Global faculty from USA along with IIFM’s own top class faculty
  • Students get the exclusive and highly effective course content from AAFM, USA along with the high quality course content received from IIFM
  • Since the AAFM programs have global recognition & accreditation agreements worldwide, students from this program have far better chances than most MBA students to secure great jobs overseas
  • Even in India, the global recognition of AAFM programs makes a student of this PGDBM program a very viable proposition for a quick career advancement
  • Knowledge picked up from the exclusive AAFM programs gives the students of this program an edge over a regular MBA student since most organizations today look for individuals who understand concepts like Financial & Risk analysis, Asset Management, E-commerce and other universally in-demand domain areas that are usually not part of B-school curriculum
  • This program helps the students differentiate themselves from their colleagues for a fast track growth career