At the rate that most organizations are growing, the need for globally certified and well-rounded knowledge workers is paramount; perhaps more than it has ever been before.
IIFM offers Management graduates who have the best in education from India and from the global market. The extra credits our PGPM students pick up from the international alliances differentiate them from any other management graduate in India. Since most organizations spend a fortune in training their resources when they come on board the organization and then again on sending them for international courses, companies will save a lot of money and time when they pickup IIFM Management graduates, as our students would already have undergone all of this, and more.
When corporates look at our students from the specialized Finance programs, there is great benefit to them in picking up these students too. Not only will these students fill the gap in the supply of certified finance professionals they will also bring to the organization specialized knowledge from the best financial educational institute in the world and with globally accredited credentials.
Overall, when companies recruit from IIFM, whether it is from the PGPM batch or the specialized Finance programs batch, they will save on the costs of training & certifications and on managerial development programs as all IIFM students would already be certified and would have gone through managerial skills development from the best known experts in the world.
We have calculated the cost an average company would save when they recruit an IIFM student. It is approximately INR 18 Lacs per annum per person. In these times especially, that is a great saving.
Workings attached hereunder -
Cost advantage to strategic partnering organizations
Sr. No.
Advantage Item Categories
Advantage Quantified per year per candidate (INR)
Actual travel cost for recruitment to various institutes
Stay while traveling to institutes for recruitment
Executive cost quantified
Cost of "idling" for the first 6 months post joining
business etc
Cost of induction, training & retraining over the first year
Cost of attrition as a result of non performance and not being upgradeable to the next level every year